Monday, April 21, 2008

What have you done, you maniac?

You have created a monster, and it has come to life. In 80 words or more, how do you think you would behave?


Caitlin2 said...

If the monster I had created was frightening in its appearance, I probably would freak out, wondering what I had been thinking to make the monster. Otherwise, I think I would make sure it was tied down, take a photograph (so I would have proof of having created it), and then get someone to help me get rid of it. I think I would have to make sure it wasn’t an intelligent being (couldn’t talk and so forth) before destroying it because I would feel terrible if I destroyed something that could have been a working part of society. Maybe I would call some science facility to take it away so it would be useful for something if it was intelligent.

Anonymous said...

If I created a monster, I would probably be very surprised if it actually got up and started doing things, because I am not the type of person to create living beings. But if I did, I imagine I would be frightened of it, if it had harmful intentions or not. At the same time, though, I think that I would feel pretty accomplished if I could accomplish such a task because I am assuming that making a monster is a hard thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Joey Mauriello

If the monster that I created came alive, I would become very good friends with it. I would not freak out over it because it would not kill me, and I think I would probably hang out with it. I would also take a couple pictures, and send them to the news station so I have a chance to become a famous inventor. I would also call everyone I know, and share with them what I have made. I would never be able to destroy it because it could be used in science labs today, and this could be the beginning of the future. This creature would be very cool, and I wouldn't freak out over it.

Elana said...

If I created a monster I would probably be really shocked and frightened. I’m not very good at science, and being able to create a monster that would actually be alive would be quite weird. At the point when I would realize that the monster was alive, I would call for some help to make sure that it wouldn’t murder me. After I as sure that it would not murder me, I would name it and then maybe I would try talking to it and teaching it to speak.

kelsey 5 said...

If I created a monster, I would treat it with respect and take full on responsiblity for it. Afterall, it was my fault that the monster was created. I would want to teach it the mannerisms of human beings, and hoped that it would catch on. Evenually, I would have taught the monster so much that it would be able to live on its own. I'd help give it a name and send it on its way. I personally hate killing things for no reason, so that is not an option for my monster.

emily 5 said...

If I was and idiot and created a monster I would most likely be scared of it. Considering it is called a “monster”, it probably would not be very friendly and would act viciously. I would have to obey the monsters orders at all times considering it could probably take me down pretty easily. I would also try and find some way to get rid of this monster before it did massive amounts of damage. My first instinct would be to shoot it, but considering I don’t have a gun, I would have to think of another good way to get rid of this monster. After all, I created it, so shouldn’t I be able to destroy it also?

EMilY 2 said...

If I had created a monster I think that I would be very frightened, but also very proud of myself for creating something so great. I would make sure that the monster wasnt going to hurt me and decide what I would then do from that point on. I would most likely take the monster to a scientist and have labs done. Afterwards, I would decide if I wanted to keep the moster or give it away. If I kept the monster I would name it and experiment on doing new things with the monster.

Molly2 said...

If I had created a monster and it looked really scary and ugly, I would probably freak out. If it started walking and talking I would be even more afraid. I would be afraid that the monster would kill or harm people or anything. I would probably tell everyone that I created life so I would take a video of the monster alive, but I would be very afraid of what would happen. I would want to find someone to help destroy this monster because there could be many dangers in creating this monster. I wouldn’t know what it was capable of.

alina2 said...

If I created a monster I would be terrified. First after I would come out of the shock about the monster. I would try to get the monster into a room and lock it. After locking it up I would try to find out how to kill it. If the monster tries to get out I would probably leave my housed locked and go somewhere else. Once I have figured out how to get rid of it I would come back and kill it or get rid of it. By some reason the monster is intelligent and is not harmful I will help it. I could introduce it society and adapt it to life.

aastha_5 said...

First of all, if I were bringing an inanimate human body to life, I would make sure beforehand that it wasn't something ugly or freaky-looking that could scare me if it did come to life. And, I would also do everything to make sure that it is a harmless piece of science that I am creating, and not an actual “monster”. However, if it did turn out to be a monster, then I would notify anybody who could help me get rid of it or send it to a science lab to get tests on how the monster actually came into being. However, since I am responsible for the monster, I wouldn’t just leave it someplace and run away and would make sure that it is being used/gotten rid of properly.

Hannah 2 said...

If I created a monster and it came to life I would probably be very scared of it at first. It would be even scarier if its appearance was very frightening. I would take pictures of it to prove to people that I really did create a monster. I am not very good with mechanical or science things so people would be surprised if I was able to create a monster. I would also call a scientist and ask what they thought about it or what I should do with the monster. If they told me that it wasn’t harmful I might keep it and try to teach it things, but if someone told me that it could hurt me I would get rid of it right away.

Lucas said...

If I had created a monster, I would be scared. I would probably try tying it down and if not I would just use some thing as protection so if it tries to attack me, I can hit it with whatever I am using. I would try to knock it down on it's back so I can tie it down with chains or something that will really hold the monster down well. Then I would try to kill it because I know that what I did was a mistake.

epn10 said...

I must admit that I'm not familiar with the creation of living things. Frankly, I don't see the joy in it - didn't Frankenstein consider that he might be disgusted by his unnatural creation? Anyway...if, under very bizarre circumstances, I were to bring such a being into life, I would immediately feel inhuman. Creating living things is not a human thing to do; it's a godly thing to do - or, if you will, a "mother nature" thing to do. The fact that I've created something that is partially separate from my control - something with its own predetermined fate - would strike me as otherworldly, incomprehensible. Would I destroy the thing, and effectively commit murder? I couldn't. I would run. I would lock the door. However, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to tell anyone; no one would believe me, let alone comfort or help me - and I'd be simply too ashamed.

I guess I'd act a lot like Frankenstein in such a situation.

austin8 said...

If I created a monster then I would probaly be afraid that I would wake up with it's arms around my neck. As in the book I wouldn't walk into my room and fall asleep while the monster is in the other room. My first thought would be how amazing it is that I actually created something from nothing living. I would make sure that the monster is tied down and there is no way of it escaping. Once the monster came to life I would still be in the state of shock that I created something from the dead. After the monster was created i would tell people because I would want to get credit for my work and show people the advancement. Once the night passed I would not want that thing living in my house anymore. I would try to bring him to a reserch place where he wouldn't be near me anymore.

Rebecca5 said...

If I created a monster, I would be extremely satisfied with myself because I was able to bring a lifeless thing to life and actually have it function. After being so proud of myself of bringing this creature to life, I would rush to have it locked up so it does not injure me or anyone else in the town. I probably would then try to communicate with it, but if it acted harsh toward me, I would probably have to kill it. We don’t need a crazy/mean monster running loose all over, destroying things/people because I will get in trouble. But if the monster was quite intelligent and kind, I would start teaching it things like a kid would be learning. I would teach it the alphabet, how to communicate with others, manners and etc... Of course it would be learning all of this while still locked up because you never know while the monster is still learning, that it might turn on me. The monster and I will need to learn to trust each other and I will need to be able to get used to having a ugly, scary monster around me al the time, before I was to let it loose to see the real world.

michele5 said...

If I created a monster and it came alive I would first be shocked. Then when what I had done actually sunk in I would be terrified and most likely freak out. I would be confused as to how I could do such a thing because I don't know how to make a stich let alone create an entire being out of scratch. I would then most likely contact a scientist that could be of some help. If the creature was intelligent i would educate it and hope that it would do good in society. If the monster was unintelligent I would most likely find a way to dispose of him/her. However, I hope I never get myself in such a situation.

Leigh Anna 8 said...

If I had created a monster, first of all I would be very afraid because I wouldn’t know the capabilities of the creature. At first, I would let it go free, but in a restricted area to see how it would behave. If it was nice and not hazardous then I would keep it around to see what else it could do and see if it would be a benefit to society. If it turned out to be a hazard or didn’t turn out the way I planned, I would destroy it. Throughout this entire process, I wouldn’t tell anyone that I had created a monster because I wouldn’t want all the attention that could come with the fame.

camellia5 said...

If I had created a monster, at first I would feel very scared because I wouldn't know what it is like and what it could do to me. I would probably be really proud of myself because I created a monster, but I would want to lock it up fast. If I don't lock the monster up, it could get out from wherever I had made it and could possibly hurt me or other people in my town. I would hope that the monster that I created was intelligent so then i would be able to understand it. But, if it was not intelligent, then it would be very hard to understand it and try to know what it was thinking. i don't know if I would want to destroy it because i would be so proud of what I made, but I would definitely want to lock it up somewhere so it couldn't get out.

Jim 8 said...

If I had created a monster like Frankenstein’s monster I would probably be very surprised to see that is came to life. Then I would probably be very nervious about what to do with the monster. I would be very afraid that if he escaped he would go and do something horrible, like kill some one. I would have tried to sedate him with something until I could figure out what I was going to do with him next.

Chris 2 said...

If i made a monster he would be pretty scary. He would have big large eyes and light pale skin. He would have dark greasy hair and a large thick neck. My monster wouldnt be able to talk and he would have a hook for a hand. He would wear an eye-patch and be completely jacked. He would behave very oddly and would go on anger rampages and destroy every random object close to him. He would walk without bending his knees and be really stupid. He would toss cars around like tennis balls.

chris mullen

Drew 5 said...

Well if I had spent most of my life researching the secrets of life, I would feel accomplished that my monster had come to life. I would feel joyful. I would treat it as my own child. I would work on trying to keep him safe. I would teach my monster proper behaviors, and right and wrong. Eventually I would hope for my monster to be able to function in society, so we can go out into public without fear. Then I can take him out to lunch.

Elana said...

period 3

Anonymous said...

period 5

Anonymous said...

If I created a monster, I'd want it to be cute. And nice, like a friend. Some one to chill with. But if its mean then i'd be scared. And run away. If it was mean then I dont see whats wrong with killing it. I mean, its not a person. Its a creature. And theres no room for meaness in America. And besides, having a "monster" run around town with all these children and stuff, thats scary. And would harm our inviroment. And i'd hate to be the blame for all that chaos.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Period 8

Doug said...

If I had created a monster, I would probably be scared of it and run away. But it would all depend on how I first met it, if it was just there and not doing anything I would still be scared, but would teach it and then let it live a life of its own. If it looked as if it was going to attack me I would run away and find something to destroy it. In both of these scenarios I would be proud that I had made the dead come to life again.

Nicholette said...

If I had created a monster that had come to life, I would be scared to death. I would probably call 911. I don't know what they could really do to help me, but that would be my first reaction. Than I would get a camera or something and take lots and lots of pictures to show off to people. Of course I would be taking these pictures somewhere that I could see him but he couldn't get to me. So once 911 showed up and they determined that it was in fact a giant, ugly, scary, man harming monster, I would probably ask them to shoot it. Yes I would feel bad about killing it, but I think it is the right thing to do if all the monster is going to do is hurt people.

tanning said...
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Lloyd said...

I think that my reaction to the monster would depend on how it looked and acted. If it was just a moving blob on the ground i don't think I would be woried about it. if it was human-like i think i'd try to study it and see how it acted an lived. If the creature could understand me, that would make things esier to deal with. If the creature was hostile, i would deal with it in the proper manner with killing the creature being a last resort only. If i created the creature i would probably have a pretty good idea of what i was doing and I would be prepared for if the creature escaped or something else happened. If the creature escaped i would call the police or whoever was best suited for the job. if the creature was on fire i would probably call the police and the fire department. I think that overall, i would be excited that my creature had come to life and I would deal with it according to what it did.

gina8 said...

If the monster i created came alive, i would be very afraid. I wouldn't exactly know how to approach it at first. I think my biggest concern would be how i suceeded to do such a thing. I would give the monster a chance and I would try to teach it useful things such as speaking and helping me. If the monster couldn't do such a thing and isnt satisfying me , then i won't want it. As hard as it may seem, i would find a way to get rid of/ away from the monster i made.

Nildi 2 said...

If I had created a monster, I would be proud of myself and my achievement. My behavior would be eccentric. I would be worried that the monster would come after me and seek answers about its creation. I would fell paranoid all the time knowing that I created something that could bring harm upon myself and others. My monster would not be made intelligent to prevent this, but if it had the ability to think and question its environment, I would try to kill it in someway. I would call upon the help of others if I could take out the monster alone.

jess8! said...

If I were to create a monster of frightening looks, my initial reaction would to scream and run away. Not one bit of me would want to stick around and see what would happen next. I would be in shock and be nervous of what I created would do. After thinking of what the monster I created, I probably would get curious if what I saw was real. I would want to check and see if my eyes didn’t deceive me, and if indeed I did create something like a monster. And if what I saw was true, I probably would run away, and never go back.

Unknown said...

If I created a monster he would become my faithful partner, in a completely plutonic manner. He would carry me around on a litter all of the time, which would eliminate the inconveniece of moving. I would also send him to culinary school so that he would be able to cook awesome meals. Using his strength and antimidatin g size to my advantage, I would make him become a bank robber so that I wouldn't have to worry about money. If the bank cercuit didn't work out too well, I would probably have him be a part time strong man in the local circus, just to rack up some dough.

Unknown said...

If I created a monster, there would be many different hectic thoughts going through my head. I would most likely become very nervous and panic. I would try to take the monster out. I would look around for the biggest weapon, and or the smartest plan, and take it out. I would not be able to sleep until the monster was fully taken out. I would have to take it out in order to protect other people. After all, I brought the monster into the world, and I would bring it out.

kayla2 said...

if the monster that i had created was scary i would probably would freak out. I would make sure that i was no where near the monster and that it stayed far away from me. I would feel really bad if i did something to it, so i would have someone come down and take care of it or take it away from my house. If it was smart maybe it would be better somewheres else.

Too-Sexy John 8 said...

If I created a monster that came to life, I don't know what I would do. I would probably teach it to play ping pong and send him the the world championship in Japan. Then after that i would train him to be an astronaut and we could go to the moon and play ping pong there. Also I would give him a tongue that craved ice cream because ice cream is the best food in all the land. We would eat ice cream and play ping pong all day. That would be so sweet.